27 de enero de 2007

30 is the new 20!

Faltan solo unos meses para mi cumple numero tres cero.....ni siquiera puedo pronunciar ese numero!!!
Antes hable sobre las sorpresas de la vida...y hoy tuve suerte.
No suelo leer los diarios el finde, pero esta vez el destino asi lo quiso...Estaba leyendo un diario de Israel (donde estoy viviendo hace un tiempo y donde vivire un tiempito mas) y encontre este articulo, que acorte un poco, pero que quiero tener a mano cada vez que lo necesite....

"Birthdays, especially those that end with a zero, are always a good time for soul searching
About two months before my 30th birthday I had a slight attack of depression. In retrospect, almost a year later, I can say that the minor attack of depression - something unusual for me - was not only because of the age, but also because of the idea behind it.

As the days go by
And then November came, which signified December, which symbolized January, which symbolized the beginning of the year, and that - and the logic is self-explanatory, I think - signified 2007, when my 30th birthday would take place.

Birthdays, especially those that end in a zero, are always a time for soul searching. Soul searching makes us think, and you have to admit that nothing good has ever come of that. But now, I have the following to report:
Being 30 - or so it seems from where I’m standing - is the new 20.

Because at 30, those of us who’ve managed to stay unmarried - and let’s suppose for a moment that this success is the result of choice - are actually having it both ways: We can go out to have a good time in the pub as if we were 20, but it’s also legitimate for us to sit at home with friends, to drink good wine, and to read a book.

It’s still Okay not to decide
You can get into a committed relationship, but on the other hand you don’t have to start matching the napkins with the dress every time you get into bed with someone. We’re at the beginning of our career, which means that we’re less detached than we were at 20, but it’s still considered legitimate to zigzag a bit and not to decide exactly what we want to do when we grow up.

My best friends remembered suddenly, at 30, that they wanted to study something else entirely, and they did it. We can see what a family and children are like by looking at our married friends, and if we really love kids we can also play with them a bit, but then we can go home and sleep all through the night and not be awakened by a baby’s crying.

And most important, we can still keep looking, but it’s already considered totally legitimate if we’ve found what we’re looking for. In short, 30 today is the age at which you can start to really enjoy being single. The paradox is that it’s kind of difficult to enjoy single life alone".


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